ACR 2024: Clinical Impact of Updated Lupus Nephritis Guidelines

Anca D. Askanase, MD, MPH


December 10, 2024

Returning from the 2024 ACR Convergence, Dr Askanase highlights the presentation of the new 2024 American College of Rheumatology guidelines for lupus nephritis as the most impactful session at this year’s meeting. The guidelines recommend triple therapy — corticosteroids, mycophenolate mofetil or mycophenolic acid, a calcineurin inhibitor or belimumab — for patients with new onset or flare of class 3, 4, or 5 lupus nephritis.

This approach is supported by studies showing superior outcomes, including early steroid tapering, improved proteinuria, and kidney function preservation. Dr Askanase emphasizes the importance of incorporating advanced therapies early to achieve complete renal response.


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